Accessing police & medical records

The best approach is to first ask the agency that holds the documents you are seeking whether the documents are publicly available or can be made available to you without a formal access application.  It is often effective to talk to someone in the agency. 

If the documents are not provided to you, or the agency asks you to formally apply under the FOI Act, you will need to lodge an access application with that agency. See below for contact information relating to police and medical records.


Police records

You can access some information from the WA Police Force without making an FOI application.  Go to Police Direct on the WA Police Force website for more information about the kinds of information you can access from the WA Police Force and how to access that information. 

For more information, contact:

Public Access
Office of Information Management
Western Australia Police Force

Phone: (08) 6229 5900
Address: Level 5, 141 St George's Terrace Perth WA 6000
Postal: Locked Bag 20 Perth Business Centre WA 6849


Medical records

General information about accessing information in the public health system is available from the Department of Health website.

Public hospital or health service records

For records relating to your treatment at a public hospital or health service, you should contact the relevant public hospital or health service.

Western Australia Public Hospital and Health Service FOI Contacts

For general information that may not be held by a public hospital or health service, contact the Department of Health Freedom of Information Coordinator on (08) 9222 6411.

Private health system records

The FOI Act does not apply to medical records held by a privately operated healthcare professional or facility (such as your local medical centre, dentist or a private hospital).

However, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) can provide further information about the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and your rights to access your medical records that are held by a private healthcare professional or facility. The OAIC can be contacted on 1300 363 992. Alternatively, further information is available on their website at

[PDF Version]

Related information

OIC publications

Who do I contact to ask for documents?
Steps for access applications



Relevant sections of the FOI Act

Sections 11 & 12