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International Access to Information Day

On the 28th of September each year, we celebrate International Access to Information Day (IAID). This day celebrates the importance of equal and universal access to information, particularly through right to information laws.

The right to access information is recognised by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966), which state:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

This right to receive information and ideas is enshrined in Australian law through information access legislation – for example, WA’s Freedom of Information Act 1992, which creates a “general right of access to State and local government documents” .

In October 2019, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 28 September as “International Day for Universal Access to Information” (IDUAI).   This followed a 2015 proclamation from the UNESCO General Conference declaring 28 September of every year as IDUAI.  IDUAI was first officially held in 2016 is now celebrated in at least 26 countries .  Celebrated in Australia as IAID, it is also known as “Right to Know” day.


International Access to Information Day 2023

This year’s UNESCO theme for IAID is “the importance of the online space for access to information.

This theme touches on both the challenges and opportunities afforded to us by the digital era, as well as the issue of accessibility of information within the digital space.

The internet gives us access to government information like never before – whether that be through an agency’s website or social media, or through agency contact via email. In many cases, this can be quick and convenient. However, with ever-expanding channels of communication comes the opportunity for misinformation and disinformation to spread faster than ever. Government must therefore find effective ways to deal with this issue. Also, many Australians face barriers to accessing information in the online space. The UNESCO theme invites us to reflect upon these issues and consider how we can use the online space to improve information access for all.


IAID event from OIC WA: Wednesday Webinar – Let the Sunshine In – a discussion with Professor Peter Coaldrake AO to mark International Access to Information Day

Wednesday the 27th of September 2023 at 2pm (AWST)

This webinar is a live online discussion between Professor Peter Coaldrake AO and WA Information Commissioner, Catherine Fletcher, about the findings and implications of the 2022 Coaldrake Review of culture and accountability in the Qld Public Sector , in order to provide some learnings for the WA public sector.

This event will be held via Zoom. All are welcome to attend.

We encourage you to share this event with your networks and anyone you feel may be interested.

Register here



IAID events from across Australia

Date Host Event name Event time
Monday 25 September Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner Lightning Talk: Engaging with consumers and technology to create a more efficient, sustainable (and friendly!) FOI Service  12.30pm – 1.15pm AEST
(10:30am-11:15am AWST)

Tuesday 26 September

Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland

Solomon Lecture 2023: The Story of Seisia – How access to information in remote Indigenous communities can help to solve complex problems 

Delivered by Ms Talei Elu, Seisia community member & 2023 Young Australian of the Year for Queensland
10:30am-12 noon AEST
(8:30am-10am AWST)
Wednesday 27 September Office of the Information Commissioner WA Wednesday Webinar: Let the Sunshine In – a discussion with Professor Peter Coaldrake to mark International Access to Information Day 2pm-3pm AWST
UNESCO Global Conference on Universal Access to Information 2023 : University of Oxford, UK
Thursday 28 September (International Access to Information Day) Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner IAID Panel: benefits and barriers to using the online space for promoting access to information – Now and in the future  1pm – 2pm AEST
(11am-12 noon AWST)
Ombudsman Tasmania

Ombudsman Tasmania Presents a Celebration of 30 years of RTI in Tasmania 

2-3pm AEST
(12pm-1pm AWST)



Other resources for IAID 2023


Previous IAID Celebrations at the OIC WA

IAID 2022

IAID 2021

IAID 2020