Customer Service Charter

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About the Office of the Information Commissioner

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act) gives people a right of access to documents held by most State Government agencies (such as departments, public hospitals, public universities and State government authorities), Ministers and local government. Together, these bodies are called “agencies” in the FOI Act.

The position of Information Commissioner was established under the FOI Act. The Information Commissioner is an independent officer who is directly accountable to Parliament.  The current Information Commissioner is Catherine Fletcher.

The main function of the Information Commissioner is to deal with complaints about the decisions of agencies in respect of Freedom of Information applications. Another function is to ensure that both agencies and the public are aware of their respective responsibilities and rights under the FOI Act.


Our Services


The Office of the Information Commissioner (the OIC) provides services for the public, government agencies and Parliament.

Services for the Public
  • the conduct of reviews (including conciliation as a preferred method of dispute resolution)
  • the publication of awareness-raising and educational information
  • talks and information sessions for community groups
  • a telephone advisory service
  • a free call telephone line for WA country callers
  • access to published decisions made by the Information Commissioner 
Services for Agencies
  • a telephone advisory service
  • FOI training
  • specifically tailored meetings and advisory sessions
  • manuals and other publications
Services for Parliament
  • annual report containing statistics on the level and outcome of FOI applications in agencies together with other information about the workings of the legislation
  • appearances before Parliamentary committees


Standards of service


The Office of the Information Commissioner is committed to providing a quality service which is delivered in a reliable and responsible manner. Its performance standards are intended to ensure that all staff undertake their duties in ways that are a credit to the professional and independent status of the Office and to ensure that participants are provided with timely and responsive levels of service.

All members aim to meet the following service standards.

  • Staff identify themselves by name when communicating with the public and, when requested or in writing, by position.
  • A contact name accompanies all correspondence and telephone contacts are given for future reference.
  • Assistance is given on an individual basis by the most appropriate officer
  • Inquiries are managed by a single officer throughout, where possible.
  • Telephone enquiries are answered immediately and calls are returned the same day when required.
  • Replies to written general enquiries are sent within two working days of receipt of the enquiries.
  • Communication is courteous.
  • Written communication and reasons for formal decisions are expressed clearly.
  • Conflicts of interest are declared to the Information Commissioner, and steps are taken to resolve any conflicts.
  • There is a Code of Conduct of the Office of the Information Commissioner, with confidentiality obligations.
  • Privacy of individuals is observed.
  • The website provides a wide range of information, including a search facility for published decisions.




The Information Commissioner values any comments about the level, appropriateness and standard of services which the Office of the Information Commissioner provides, for the purpose of continuous service improvement.


Information available to the public


  • Website
  • brochure entitled “Accessing Government Documents in Western Australia - the Freedom of Information Act 1992”
  • brochure entitled “Third Parties and Their Rights”
  • Annual Reports (website)
  • Policy and Practice Manual (website)
  • articles on topics relevant to the FOI process and particular processes to assist applicants and agencies


Contacting the OIC


For general advice regarding the FOI process or administration matters contact our office by:

Phone:  08 6551 7888
Freecall (WA country): 1800 621 244

Comment and queries about matters that are before the Information Commissioner should be made to External Review staff. Complainants are informed of the name of the officer dealing with their complaints.
Postal and Street Address

Office of the Information Commissioner
Albert Facey House
469 Wellington Street